Fotografii de Palatul Holyrood

Holyrood Palace de vgm8383

<a href=";size=large">View On Black</a> The Palace of Holyroodhouse, or informally Holyrood Palace, founded as a monastery by David I of Scotland in 1128, has served as the principal residence of the Kings and Queens of Scotland since the 15th century. The Palace stands in Edinburgh at the bottom of the Royal Mile. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is the official residence in Scotland of Queen Elizabeth II, who spends time at the Palace at the beginning of the summer. Holyrood is an anglicisation of the Scots Haly Ruid (Holy Cross).
Palatul Holyrood a fost vechea reședință a Mariei Stuart. Acolo a fost asasinat, probabil din gelozie și suspectat că ar fi amantul ei, muzicianul și consilierul ei particular David Rizzio la 9 martie 1566, complot pus la cale de cel de-al doilea soț... Citiți mai departe
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