Fotografii de Monument to Bartolomé Mitre

Buenos Aires - Recoleta: Plaza Mitre - Monumento a Bartolomé Mitre de wallyg

Monumento a Bartolomé Mitre, designed by Italian sculptors David Calandra and Eduardo Rubino, was inaugurated in Plaza Mitre in 1927. The bronze equestrian figure of the General stands on a red granite pedestal, surrounded by allegoric groups sculpted in marble. Bartolomé Mitre Martínez (1821–1906) was an Argentine statesman, military figure, and author who served as the President of a unified Argentina from 1862 to 1868. After an itinerant youth spent living in Uruguay, Peru and Chile, Mitre joined the forces defeated Juan Manuel de Rosas. Upon arriving in Buenos Aires in 1852, he switched allegiances and became a staunch unitario. As president, he committed Argentina to the Guerra de la Triple Alianza (War of the Triple Alliance, of Paraguayan War). After his presidency, Mitre wrote historical biographies of key figures from the wars for independence and translated that literary success into the foundation of La Nación, which would become one of South America's leading newspapers, in 1870.
Monument to Bartolomé Mitre (Español: Monumento a Bartolomé Mitre) este o atracție turistică, unul dintre Monumente în Buenos Aires , Argentina . Acesta este situat: 166 km de la La Plata, 620 km de la Montevideo, 830 km de la Rosario. Citiți mai departe
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