Fotografii de Cathedral of St. Bartholomew (Plzeň)

Pilsen de Bernd Thaller

Plzeň (Pilsen) is the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic and is situated situated in western Bohemia. Its the city where the famous Pilsner beer is made (by the Pilsner-Urquell and Gambrinus breweries). The image shows a fountain on the main square and St. Bartholomew's Cathedral. Edited with Photoshop. Here is a link the the original image: <a href=""></a>
Cathedral of St. Bartholomew (Plzeň) (Čeština: Katedrála svatého Bartoloměje) este o atracție turistică, unul dintre Catedrale romano-catolice în Pilsen , Republica Cehă . Acesta este situat: 252 km de la Praga, 670 km de la München, 840 km de la ... Citiți mai departe
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